State of Readiness | Marcy Axelrod; Author of “On Your Game”

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About the Podcast

In this episode of “State of Readiness“, I welcome Marcy Axelrod, Author of On Your Game” where she explains that each of us have our “A-game”; our individual “superpowers” that we bring every day. And most of the time we are on our game. But what do we do when we get knocked off our game and what do we need to do to fix it?

She shares that “research shows that 80+% of Americans lays in bed every night feeling they are not accomplishing what they feel they can“, attributing to loneliness, discontentment, and depression; often leading to substance abuse.

On Your Game is a wake-up call to all of us who find our days whizzing by without achieving our goals. In a witty, captivating style, Marcy explains the challenges people face, why they face them, and how they can be overcome (and not you).

She shares how the “off your game” systems that surround us are constantly conspiring to block our achievement and details what living “on our game” is really about; providing elegant solutions and easy tools to propel us back “On Our Game!” and keep us there.

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About Marcy Axlerod

Marcy Axelrod is a Management Consultant, subject-matter expert/keynote speaker, Author of “On Your Game!”, and Forbes Magazine contributor on trending topic of Customer Journey Mapping with over 25 years of hands-on strategy and innovation work at ‘Big 4’ consulting firms and boutique consulting organizations focused on accelerating company growth.

Marcy’s award-winning book, On Your Game! directs consulting tools to drive achievement in our busy lives, supporting business and personal achievement, and earning highly favorable reviews from professors at Harvard, Yale, Columbia and Cornell.

With a foundation of ten years as a leader in KPMG Consulting’s (BearingPoint’s) High Technology Practice in Silicon Valley, Ms. Axelrod proved her abilities to secure new clients and build ongoing revenue streams by delivering meaningful process and financial results. She utilizes a mix proven and innovative approaches to customer strategy, operational effectiveness, and growth strategy by integrating design thinking (a la Dave Evans and Bill Burnett), Jobs-to-be-Done and customer empathy based approaches.

Marcy helped build Gartner Group’s Silicon Valley Strategy Consulting practice, was Vice President of Strategy for 3Q Digital, (Silicon Valley’s digital agency of record, where she built the company’s consulting capability, contributing to its 40% revenue growth and redirecting how the company goes to market. Since then she has been delivering independent work (see attached), and advising CEO’s from Wall Street firms to computer science camps.

Prior to joining KPMG Consulting/BearingPoint (1999), Ms. Axelrod performed buy-side equity research at Lehman Brothers on Wall Street. She also consulted to Fortune 500 companies such as Applied Materials, Hillenbrand Industries and others in business strategy, process redesign and go-to-market strategy creation. Ms. Axelrod earned a Bachelor’s degree with honors from Cornell University and an MBA in International Business from Thunderbird.

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