Turnarounds in Customer Experience – the Real “Unicorn”

Turnarounds in Customer Experience – the Real “Unicorn”

We all remember poor customer experience, and we are not afraid to share the poor experiences we have had with others – perhaps even going out of our way to share using social media as the medium for our opinions?  How many times have we read bad reviews on hotels or restaurants as compared to…

Customer Focused Continuous Improvement – Beyond Words; Part 2 – Customer Need

We started our discussion on Customer Focus last month with a general discussion about what it means to be ‘customer focused’, and how this term is overused and misunderstood in business.  Everyone claims to be ‘customer focused’, yet customer loyalty is at its lowest point in years, complaints are higher than ever before, and almost…

Customer Focused Continuous Improvement – Beyond Words: Part 1

Customer Focus – probably the most over-used, misunderstood phrase in business today.  We hear it everywhere… every company is customer focused, every company prides itself on having the highest ratings in customer satisfaction.  More than ever before, companies are spending millions on achieving higher customer ratings.  And yet, Customers are ‘churning’ from one type of…