The Outliers Inn; Reflections of the Year

Topic: In this episode of The Outliers Inn, we try something new – having a “theme” for the show. As we approach the end of another year in time and space, we (ought to) become reflective of things said and done, failures and successes, fulfillments and hopes yet to fulfill themselves. Like the Irish man who thought about the evils of drinking in the New Year – then he gave up thinking. So we decided the theme for this show should be “most impactful event” of the year where our guests will share what happened in their lives that had a significant impact this past year.
Our first guest is Hal Frohreich who shares his transformative experiences in leadership development during his participation in a Kata Dojo workshop that he attended in “Cascadia”, a rather obscure region (except for those who live there) of North America roughly defined as Oregon, Washington State, and British Columbia. Hal is followed by Davis Balestracci who shares the challenges he faced in 2019, having been forced into “semi-retirement” by losing traction and having a lack of engagements. We ponder together what the root-cause might be and explore potential ways of taking corrective action. JP helps Davis to deconstruct the challenges and reconstruct potential ways forward; how to gain and retain the attention of the M.A.N (the person who has Money, Authority, and Need). And our last guest is James Considine, who shares his life-altering event in 2019 – the facilitated departure from corporate life and entering the world of the entrepreneur. He proposes that business owners care the most of these criterion; 1) Can it make me money, 2) Can it save me money, 3) Does it keep me out of prison, and 4) Does it make my life easier – these being in no particular order. James proposes that each of us must know and understand their own personal “superpower” and amplify the this superpower rather than to focus on improving where they are weak. Strengths should be amplified and weaknesses should be augmented.
There is a lot of insight, perspective, and sharing in this episode. Kick back and enjoy.
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