about xonitek


XONITEK provides consulting services relating to Operational Excellence in some of the best-known companies in the world. Our mission is to create a corporate culture of change and improvement.

Our consulting services include strategic advice, tactical training, logistical organization, and leadership support. We measure our success by how quickly our clients commit to and take ownership of the environment we create together.


Our typical consulting clients are publicly-traded (listed) multi-national corporations. Most have a mature Continuous Improvement (CI) program. For those in need of compatibility and standardization, XONITEK assists in creating a more sustainable, deliberate and replicable Operational Excellence strategy.

The XONITEK Client-engagement Model

Our primary task is to create leadership and a process for improving the performance of the organization AND the circumstances of those who work there.

On the voyage to Operational Excellence, we typically interface with what we call a sponsor, who takes direction from the executive management team and relays decisions and strategies to the captain. The captain looks out on the waters and guides the ship toward objectives, issuing the orders to crew members who execute his intent.

We advocate for the sponsor and support the captain, without whom even the most magnificent ship can’t operate optimally.

The XONITEK Advantage

In our experience, one-size-fits-all solutions don’t work. Instead, we bring together a team of accomplished executives, experienced in working inside diverse cultures, to create solutions tailored exclusively for your company.

XONITEK is more nimble and cost-effective than large “think tank” consulting firms, whose business model usually involves producing extensive research to assess and compare markets and industries. In early stages, they tend to focus heavily on how to approach the project, why to approach it this way, and what the client needs in order to execute the new approach. As a result, complexities compound, and the journey lengthens.

In contrast, XONITEK deploys accomplished executives, who absorb your strategy and prepare a discussion document on how to meet your requirements. We review it with your team and, upon approval, prepare a resource task timetable. Our goal is to make improvements starting on the very first day of engagement.

And XONITEK provides a more comprehensive service than small, tools-focused boutique firms, who focus on the tools of consultancy, such as Lean, Six-Sigma, and technological solutions. Their weakness is that they ask: “How can I use my toolkit to improve your circumstances?” The question should be: “What do you want to achieve and how can I help achieve your objectives”?

Although XONITEK uses a wide variety of these valuable tools, our primary focus is on objectives and process, not on tools.

Multinational companies often feel compelled to engage “Top 10” consulting firms, because of their ability to work in diverse cultural settings. But an engagement does not guarantee that their best consultants are assigned to you, nor does it guarantee that the consultants have an in-depth global understanding of your industry sector.

The XONITEK team brings a wealth of experience in diverse cultures all over Europe, the Middle East, and North America, and parts of South America, Africa and Asia.

What to Expect

You can expect total commitment from a highly skilled consultant or dedicated team of industry experts. They work within your plan or assist in preparing a new plan. They provide on-the-job coaching and mentoring for your in-house experts, to establish a high-performance team. As a result, your team is ready to develop and sustain your Operational Excellence strategy.

XONITEK consultants are supported by a global, around-the-clock team that includes Master Black Belts, Country Managers, Implementation Consultants and Project Managers, all of whom are experienced in Operational Excellence and can deliver the quality, service and support our clients expect.

Learn more about our Industry Expertise.