XONITEK’s OpEx/CI Program Architecting Whitepaper contains
a detailed perspective approach for program success.
They say that up to 70% of Operational Excellence or Continuous improvement programs fail.
Don’t be one of them. Be the exception, not the rule.
But the truth is, we have never witnessed an Operational Excellence and Continuous Improvement program that actually made a company worse off than before the introduction of the program. Rather, these programs are considered failures because they failed to meet expectations – expectations that were more than likely never established in the first place – or the efforts were not applied to what was truly important.
“Fail to plan, plan to fail.” Our decades upon decades of experience in helping companies make their programs successful have led us to the root-causes of the vast majority of program failures; absent objectives, inadequate planning, and the failure to establish alignment and commitment.
To help you, your program, and your company to be successful, we have created a Program Architecting Whitepaper that will walk you though the planning stage of an OpEx/CI program.
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Fill out this simple form to receive a copy of our 20+ page best-practices Program Architecting white-paper. In it, you will learn how to design a successful OpEx or CI program. If you already have a program, you can use it as a benchmark!
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