State of Readiness | William Bierce; “Smarter Business Exits”

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In this episode of “State of Readiness”, I welcome William “Bill” Bierce, co-founder of Bierce & Kenerson PC and author of the book, “Smarter Business Exits“. I have known Bill for some time. He is a multi-faceted and worldly individual who is engaging in conversation on many topics.

The topic of discussion for this episode is the importance of taking into consideration the exit strategies that might present themselves in the future and how to properly prepare to minimize the anxiety and angst and maximize the return.

When people first form their companies, usually the last thing on their minds is exiting the company sometime in the future. Sure, there are those individuals who only form a company with the exit in mind. But they are the exception and not the rule.

Most people think of their companies as their legacy; hard evidence that they ever existed at all. But what happens when an opportunity to exit appear, such as a suitor wanting to purchase the company? Or, more challenging, that opportunity is thrust upon them such as a death of the founder (or one of the founders).

This is a fascinating conversation and every entrepreneur (or would be entrepreneur) should give a listen. It can save considerable angst (and wealth) in the future.

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