2018-December: Operational Excellence by Design eNewsletter

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A Year in Review
December 2018


Message from the Founder

As we complete another circuit around the sun, we find ourselves reflective of the year’s hard-fought battles won and lost, of loves arrived and departed, and of our professional successes and disappointments.  With rebuilding spirit and energy, we look with great anticipation to what lay before us in the coming year.  And, most importantly, we look to reconnect over the next few weeks with our families and friends. After all, we do what we do professionally – not for love of treasure, or stature, or other such hubris – but to leave an indelible and positive mark on this Earth and on all whom we touch and who are a part of our lives.

It has been a great pleasure to be a part of your life’s journey. I am very grateful for your time, consideration, and support – and hope that I have been a benefit to you somehow.  So, as the Irish cheer goes; “May the best of your 2018 be the worst of your 2019.”


Wishing you and yours a Joyous Holiday Season.


~ Joseph Paris 



Founder’s Corner


I have been an entrepreneur and in business – nonstop – since 1985.  And over the course of those 30-plus years, I have gained a lot of experience.  But as the saying goes; “Experience is the most difficult teacher, she gives the test first and teaches the lesson after.”  So I can say, with some degree of certainty, that I have made every mistake a business person could make.  Sometimes, I would repeat the mistake just to be certain.


Fortunately, I always realized that what I did not know was a lot.  And I never hesitated to seek guidance if I was unsure or simply did not know.  And even more fortunate, several people came across my path who became invaluable mentors to me.  Although I need them less than I did in the past, they still make themselves available – especially as sounding boards upon whom I can rely to give me unfiltered guidance.

by Joseph Paris

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Featured Articles


Lean Six Sigma – Reality or a Myth?

“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived, and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic.”


-John F. Kennedy


It seems at every conference, symposium, or other gathering of thought leaders for higher learning where the topic is Lean Six Sigma, many of the attendees-and almost all of the speakers-glorify the supposedly unmatched performance of Japanese companies and their management techniques as enshrined in the most revered of holy scrolls, the TPS. And when followers of this scripture speak, they declare the virtues of all things Japanese and cast aside, as heretics, the nonbelievers.


However, when I attend similar gatherings at locations around the world where the audience is business leaders and the topic is business strategy and finance (e.g., events organized by the Association for Corporate Growth, symposia for Private Equity and finance, the various economic forums and congresses, and conferences on business strategy), there is rarely (if ever) any mention of Japanese companies nor reference to their styles of management.


by Joseph Paris


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So, you want to write a book…

My book, ”
State of Readiness“, was published in May this year (2017).  And it’s been almost six months since I have written a fresh article.  It’s not been for a lack of topics.  In fact, I have several topics in the queue for articles I want to write.  But, publishing a book took a lot of effort and I found myself exhausted from writing.  So, I put my pen, typewriter, word-processor on the shelf for a while until I could regain my strength.


Many people have commended me on this accomplishment (thank you all).  But there have also been many people who shared with me their desire to write a book.  So I figured my first, post-publishing, article should be about the process of writing and publishing a book.  In Operational Excellence terms; to envision your future state, assess your present state, how to prepare for your journey, considerations for the journey, and the journey itself.  The intent is that you won’t have to pay as much tuition to the University of Publishing as I did.


by Joseph Paris


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Thought Food

5 Ways To Build A High-Performance Team

Why the secret to success is setting the right goals



Trust me…


Operational Excellence Society

Contact the Editor

“Thank you for being a valued reader. 

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments related to this publication – or if you might be interested in submitting 
an article for consideration in 
our eNewsletter.”
Gretchen Lubbe – Editor




Coming Events



Episode 26 –
Plus Plus Dash


Joy Baldridge, CPC, CSP, is a renown self-management expert who helps the best companies in the world become even better at increasing revenue and productivity while decreasing stress and frustration.  She began her speaking and training career at birth.  She was born into a family of driven entrepreneurs and dynamic educators. Her parents founded the Baldridge Learning Center in 1956. Her first official speaking engagement was at the White House, at the age of 19. She got there by cold calling the president.

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Our guest in this episode of “State of Readiness” is Donald Kuk; continuous improvement expert extraordinaire.  He started his continuous improvement journey in the mid-1990’s at General Electric when he was personally selected by Jack Welch to join Jack and a select group of others senior leaders at GE in the very class to be trained in Six Sigma – taught by the original Six Sigma Guru himself, the late Mikel Harry.  Since then, Donald has held senior leadership positions at JP Morgan – Chase, Computer Associates, AIG, BNY Mellon, and now Mednax (a leading healthcare provider in the States).  Whether in the C-Suite or reporting to the C-Suite in his various positions…

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OpEx Vault

Is Santa a Lean Leader?




As we approach the Holiday period and Christmas, it got me thinking about Father Christmas, or Santa, and whether he is, in fact, a good example of a Lean Leader. The more that I investigated, the more that I found supporting evidence: Safety First


Safety is the top of mind for any Lean Leader and it appears that St. Nicholas is no exception, as he has consistently improved his approach to the gift delivery approach, utilizing the latest in ‘Elf and Safety’ practice.



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