2021-October: Operational Excellence by Design eNewsletter

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Operational Excellence
By DesignSM
2021 October
Monthly Musing
Connecting With Us
Founder’s Corner – Joseph Paris
I was working on a turn-around engagement at a distressed company earlier this year. 
With on-time deliveries less than 20% and scrap and rework exceeded 10% of revenue, their manufacturing floor was production hell. It was a place of perpetual torment filled with lost souls who were weeping and wailing. All that was missing was the fire and brimstone.
… Who has conributed over 100 articles spanning a decade across a wide range of business topics. There will surely be one of relevance and interest to you.
I am Joseph Paris. If I were a super-hero, my super-power would be helping people become high-performing individuals as members of high-performing teams in high-performing organizations.
Organizations from around the world engage my companies and me outright to help them become more resilient and in a “state of readiness”.
In addition, I offer a variety of speaking engagements designed to deliver high-energy and high-impact in shorter duration.

These include; my signature and highly regarded workshop and masterclass, plenary and breakout sessions, keynotes, and conference facilitation roles such as panel moderator or chairperson.
Click the link below to receive a copy of my biography and the abstract of my “State of Readiness Masterclass & Workshop” as well as select plenary sessions.
My book, “State of Readiness” has been endorsed by senior leaders at some of the most respected and well-known companies in the world today. With Foreword by Andrew Lambert, FEIT; VP of Production and Supply Chain at SpaceX.

Try before you buy
Not quite ready to buy a copy of “State of Readiness” for yourself (or a colleague) just yet but are interested in learning more?
Connect with Joseph Paris
Learning Opportunities
Would YOU like to share your passions with others and lead a roundtable discussion? Share your thoughts with your peers from around the world? Now’s your chance to do just that.
Continuing Education opportunity for those managers who need to be better equipped to recognize and pursue the opportunities that exist at home and abroad.
Coming SOON!
There is something pretty exciting brewing at the Operational Excellence Society and a few of its partners.
We can’t say exactly what it is yet, but stay tuned and don’t touch that dial! We will be right back (hint, hint).
Featured Article
By John Bicknell: Industry experts assert that data is the new gold. Even more valuable than data itself, however, are the insights which may be extracted from diverse, growing data streams. Businesses which include in their decision-making predictive insights derived from data streams will have a huge advantage over companies that make decisions using traditional methods.
Building Awareness of Your OpEx/CI Offerings
Extend Your Reach…
The Operational Excellence Society is the center of gravity for the discipline and its reach is 750,000+ people.
Our audience:
 – 80% have budgetary and P/L authority; 
 – 70% work at companies with greater than 1,000 employees and 
 – 30% working at companies with greater than 10,000 employees.
We offer a variety of services including; marketing strategy development, content creation, podcast production, social media campaigns and outreach, and much, much, more.
Contact us if you would like to share your ambitions and discuss how we can partner to get your offering in front of people who are interested in how you can drive value to them.
Featured Sponsor: eschbach
A serial contributor to the Operational Excellence Society, Andreas Eschbach, President of eschbach GmbH, is a thought leader who shares his insights on the future of OEE in a collection of articles.
Featured Book
Span of Control” by Carey Lorhenz
In “Span of Control“; Lohrenz walks us through the fundamentals of surviving and succeeding during times of crisis. Weaving together eye-opening science, gripping personal stories, insightful interviews, prescriptive advice, and a high-octane dose of encouragement and practicality, Span of Control helps leaders recognize how to focus on what matters most, formulate a plan for success, and communicate what’s possible.
Operational Excellence Enterprise Readiness System
Operational Excellence Enterprise Readiness System
You can’t become a high-performance organization without having the capacity and capability to deliver – and this is especially true when it comes to your most important assets – your team.
The Readiness Institute’s education and training system is world-class and is accredited for continuing education credits. It’s integrated learning approach will maximize the retention of the knowledge and, if our prescriptive approach is followed, will never be a cost to your organization.
Click below to receive your free copy of the Operational Excellence Enterprise Readiness System (OpEx-ERS) white-paper and module guide.
State of Readiness is a podcast set as a fireside chat between Joseph Paris and a select industry leader. In it, we discuss the guest’s journey and lessons learned so that the listener might not have to pay as much tuition to the “University of Life”
to share with us his passion for helping America remain a beacon of hope and strength on the world stage by pursuing Process Dominance as a core capability in order to innovate and survive in the Information Age.
a podcast that delves into the complexity of modern supply chains and logistics.
The Biden administration has announced a series of new steps that will be taken by companies and organizations in the private and public sectors to help address the supply chain crisis in the U.S.
Food retail supply chains are undergoing shocks and logjams that are raising prices and disrupting fill rates. In terms of logistics, ocean-going freight rates have skyrocketed over 460% in the last 12 months. How do we move past this crisis?
The Outliers Inn; a podcast where we examine and discuss the more odd goings-on in life, in business, and in the world, with your hosts; JP and Mule.
“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth” – M.Tyson
Give a listen to JP and Mule as they share when things didn’t go according to plan.
Operational Excellence Program Design and Deployment
Operational Excellence Program Design and Deployment
They say that “up to 70% of Operational Excellence and Continuous improvement programs fail.”  
Don’t be one of them. Be the exception, not the rule.
“Fail to plan, plan to fail.” To help you, your program, and your company to be successful, XONITEK has created a Program Architecting Whitepaper where you will find the best practices for the planning stage of an OpEx/CI program.
If you follow our prescriptive approach, the roll-out of your program will almost be anti-climactic.
Even if you already have a program, you can use it as a benchmark to see how your efforts compare.
Click below to receive a copy of our 20+ page Best-Practices Program Architecting Whitepaper.
Thought Food
Interim Talent
Get the Help You Need…
Sometimes we get caught because of an unplanned separation of an employee who was performing a key role in the company or project. Sometimes we have a short-term need for an experienced specialist to help push through a deliverable.
But time is the enemy. This is not a situation where you can take the time to recruit. The need is now, and help is available.
The OpEx Vault
I had a project where I was hired to try to help turn a company around. The challenges faced existed across the entirety of the company. In fact, there was no function of the company that was operating at an acceptable level. This company was very sick.
The owner of the company and I made a habit of walking the shop floor at the end of the day when almost everyone had left; a Gemba Walk in Lean terms. Certainly, the shop floor was devoid of activity except for the equipment that was programmed to run overnight.
What was made abundantly clear was that the company’s losses were approximately 10% of revenue month on month for most of 2021. Their thinking was that the only way to become profitable was to increase the flow of production so they could increase fulfilled orders by 25-50%. With on-time delivery being 18%, they certainly had the book of business and backorders to increase their monthly shipments and revenue earnings.
Trust Me… I’m an Engineer
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Association for
Corporate Growth
Contact the Editor
“Thank you for being a valued reader. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments related to this publication – or if you might be interested in submitting article for consideration in our eNewsletter.”
Joseph Paris – Editor
PO Box 2554, 270 W Pearl Ave,
Suite 103, Jackson, WY 83001
Phone: 307-222-6083
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